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Let me begin by saying this post will be continually updated every Friday.

At my office, we got this notification from Postmates that there was free delivery from Fireman Derek’s Bake Shop. This was Satan’s call and we definitely answered it.

On Thursday, April 12, we ordered the Cookies n’ Cream Pie. The following day, Friday the 13th, we ordered the Sundae Pie because we suddenly forgot that eating healthy existed (and more people were mad that they didn’t know about the Thursday scheme).

Now, we have started #FiremanFridays.

These pies are good enough to have their own tradition, their own holiday, their own celebration every single damn day.

The same reaction occurred each time we started eating: it was dead silent, except for a few food moans here and there. None of us had dinner that day because it was so filling but none of us cared either.

Before ranking them though, I will admit that the pies are expensive. They come from Wynwood, so you know it’s hip and trendy. However, if you’re splitting the cost with friends, it’s definitely worth it. My mouth is watering just thinking about this.

Cookies n’ Cream (4/12/18)

This is my favorite flavor for ice cream, gelato, cake, Hershey’s bar, that weird lip gloss from Claire’s, anything – if it has cookies n’ cream, I’m eating it. The pie was overwhelmingly chocolate-y but my heart was so happy about it. Others couldn’t finish it because it was so chocolate-y but I wasn’t going to let it go to waste. This pie is THICCCQ in the best way possible.

9/10 (shaving off an extra point for the ones who said it was too chocolatey, which I guess is a criticism…)

Sundae Pie (4/13/18)

Excuse the mess, the delivery over was a little wonky.

This one was a strange one. It’s hard to pick a pie from a group of people who are picky; “I don’t like chocolate mint,” “I don’t like peanuts,” “I’m not eating Key Lime Pie unless it’s from Key West.” We somehow decided on this one and none of us regretted it, but I’m not sure if I’d pick it again.

It looked like a clown went to town on this pie and served it up on a plate. The bottom layer has chocolate ganache, then a layer of banana (which sounds gross, but surprisingly works), vanilla mousse with red food dye, and a crap ton on top. Whip cream, sprinkles, chocolate drizzle, caramel drizzle, birthday cake Oreos, and cherries. I personally don’t like whip cream, but it also worked really well all together. However, this one didn’t shut us up as a whole like the Cookies n’ Cream did.


Cookie Monster 4/20

We got this one today to celebrate 4/20 (even though no one was partaking in it... yet). The cookie crust was really great, especially the cookie bites on the top. It was like eating croutons without the salad. And a lot more chocolate.

My only complaint about this one was that it was too much whip cream for any of our liking. I think with less whip cream and possibly more cookie, this would've been a really great winner. However, we all probably liked this one the best (so far) because it wasn't as sweet as the Cookies n' Cream and still as tasty as the Sundae Pie.


Cookie Dough Pie 4/27

We're just really feeling all the chocolate chip pies lately! Out of all the pies, this one was the least messy, which was a nice change in texture. It was also the most predictable one which, from tasting already quite a few, I was a little let down. At least with this one, you won't get salmonella from eating cookie dough.

It was a yummy pie, no doubt, but it was the pie that looked least like a pie. Probably won't order this one again and go to the grocery store for some actual cookie dough. Oh! Especially the one already cut up in little squares.


Brownie Bomb Pie 5/4


The caramel balls on top. A lot of brownie but not too much that you hate it. The crust gave it such a different texture and flavor that it brings everything together. That chocolate mousse on top was also amazing but not repugnant. Wow.

If I have to repeat any of them, it'll be this one. My office is split 50/50 between this one and Cookie Monster for which one is the best.


Birthday Cake Cheesecake 5/11

Easily the most disappointing one so far. Although beautiful, it's nothing special. In fact, people couldn't even finish their slice.

Beautiful? Absolutely. Annoying? Yes.

The chocolate drizzle on top really did nothing good for this whole cheesecake. Also, it was just cheesecake with some sprinkles on top. Even the crust kind of sucked, it felt like I was eating cardboard.

I know Birthday Cake flavored stuff isn't bursting with flavor as it is with color, but this was disappointing considering how hyped we were about it. Also, the website/Instagram says it has Oreo in it... but there was zero flavoring or signs of Oreo cookie in it...


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