I’m going to come out and say it - the Miami Open looks better at the Hard Rock Stadium than it did it in Key Biscayne. Some may say that the Key was “home,” but Hard Rock really made the Miami Open feel luxurious, practical, and more Miami than the Key ever did. Here’s why:
Parking: At the Key, if you missed where you had to park, you had to go around the Rickenbacker Causeway a million times until you knew where to park. Then, you had to wait for a shuttle to actually take you to the Miami Open’s entrance. Forget that, at Hard Rock you just park like you would in a normal parking lot and just walk to the entrance. An easy 30-45 minutes of time shaved off! Sidenote: if you pay for parking online it’s $25, scan your Sunpass at Hard Rock it’s $30, and pay at the lot it’s $40.
Food: At the Key you did have your choice of what to eat and drink but I will say, Hard Rock really outdid them. There are plenty of food trucks and pop-up restaurants to choose from at any corner of Hard Rock that you walk around to. It was satisfying to see how the Miami Open was able to provide a luxurious and authentic experience that includes local food businesses.
Space: This place is huge! You can easily spend 45 minutes checking out every nook and cranny here. There’s a food spot or photo-op at every turn. Even tennis-wise, according to Forbes, moving the Miami Open to Hard Rock meant the tournament increased from 21 to 30 courts, including 18 practice courts with over 4,300 seats, a new 4,993-seat Grandstand Stadium, 3,024-seat Court 1 and 1,564 Court 2. That’s a lot of space for people! Even the players got some attention by tripling the space at the gym and lounge space and providing them with private entries, upgraded food options and private areas for families.
Most importantly, the Miami Open at Hard Rock is 100% more photo-friendly than the Key ever was. Here are the best spots to go to for your Insta-worthy timeline:
Kiki on the River & Menchies:
These cute flower walls that are simple yet aesthetically pleasing can be found at Kiki on the River and Menchies, both located to the right of the entrance of the SE gate. Just pick which one you want: brown or white wood, white or pink flowers.

Kiki on the River, East Terrace
Go upstairs to the East Terrace for the full Kiki on the River (overpriced) experience. Tucked outside behind the DJ is this heart full of roses that you might miss if you’re not looking for it. There are also a bunch of cabanas if you’re trying to be bougie there, but that’s a different story.

Bluestone Lane: Game Set Smash
This cute wall that says ‘Game Set Smash’ comes with a tennis ball in the front of the installation but - the ball moves! Sit on it or move it out of the way, this Wynwood-like mural is good for any tennis lover’s phone background.

MIAMI Lego-like Art
Okay it’s not actual lego, but the little face made me think of the Lego movie. This is a cute, 3D piece where you can either stand in front of it, on the ledge, behind it, or maybe even on top who knows. Can be found to the right of the NE Gate, by the giant yacht (which you can also get on!)

3D “Stand Here” Floor Art
This was probably my favorite part of the place! By court 27, where the food trucks are, are two 3D floor installations where it looks like you are part of the art. It tells the photographer where to stand and where the model should be in the art as well. Good luck not getting anyone else in your pictures

Tie Dye Wall, Tennis Ball
To the right of the SE entrance, and right by Kiki on the River, is a psychedelic wall that’s great for any picture! Sit on the tennis ball, pose with it, or just move it out of the way, it’s definitely a spot to get creative at.

The Miami Open is until March 31, so who do you think is going to win it all?
347 Don Shula Drive, Miami Gardens, FL 33056